Andrew Nixon , The Floating Circle Magazine, RWA , June 9, 2020

Artists in Lockdown: Janette Kerr PPRWA


In a special series, we asked artists associated with the RWA about how the COVID-19 lockdown has affected their life and work. The first artist is Academician and former President of the RWA, Janette Kerr…

“… Initially I felt distracted and unfocused, but artists are used to working in isolation and at least I have a place to work, so that’s what I’ve been doing….”

“I flew back into Bristol airport from a 2 month residency in Skagaströnd, NW Iceland, straight into the UK lockdown. Self-isolating for 2 weeks on the north Mendip hills, I realised that there was no way I could now get back to my other home and studio in Shetland and the sea – the focus of most of my work. This has been pretty frustrating. All deadlines of exhibitions and tours of work vanished.


“Initially I felt distracted and unfocused, but artists are used to working in isolation and at least I have a place to work, so that’s what I’ve been doing.


“Making work en-plein-air is integral to my working process, consequently I’ve had to make do with sketches and memory – maybe not a bad thing! It’s given me time to re-assess and re-work some of the paintings – and make more – for my London show, now rescheduled for October, so this is something positive to come out of lockdown.


“It’s been pretty peaceful living out in the countryside, less distraction. I’ve also worked on a new project: The Walk – made as part of Groundwork/Landlinks project and been taking part in Instagram’s artist support pledge.


“My thought for the future after lockdown? Make more work, stay positive and stay creative.


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