Wonderland Magazine, June 15, 2023


In the second episode of the gin company’s new series, we travel with Brand Ambassador Ally Martin to the high seas with painter Janette Kerr.


Hendrick’s Gin have announced a new series of short films, celebrating Scottish creators and innovators. Titled An Unusual Slice of Scotland, the series is hosted by Hendrick’s Global Brand Ambassador Ally Martin. As Ally travels to his home country, he meets with a collection of one-of-a-kind individuals who create projects and have adventures inspired by expressions of Hendrick’s.


Following the first episode with Rocketeer John Bonsor, we are excited to exclusively premiere the second, The Hendrick’s Guide to the High Seas. In this chapter, Ally Martin travels to the Shetland Islands, a subarctic archipelago off the coast of Scotland, to paint with the expert Janette Kerr and hear about her longstanding relationship with the sea.


To Janette, it isn’t enough to simply see the water. It’s about really feeling its movement, hearing the waves as they crash, and evoking all senses at once. Described as a “foul-weather painter”, Janette embraces the chaos and power of nature — letting the natural motion of the water guide her hand. The result is something monumental and captivating. Similarly, Hendrick’s captures the spirit and magic of the sea with their limited edition Neptunia Gin, a glorious offering from the brand’s collection. As Ally and Janette sit down to share a drink — on the water, of course — they share their common love for the ocean and remind us of what it inspires within us all.

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