AD Staff , Architectural Digest Middle East , January 28, 2020

This Timur D’Vatz exhibit in Dubai gives a modern twist to early Byzantine art

The Andakulova Gallery will be presenting the exhibition Byzantine Journeys this March


Russian born figurative artist Timur D’Vatz will be presenting his work at the Andakulova Gallery in Dubai International Financial Centre this March, offering a modern day take on ancient legends and re-appropriated symbols sourced from early Byzantine art and medieval tapestries.


D’Vatz has been awarded a number of accolades including the Guinness prize for ‘First Time Exhibitor’ at the Royal Academy. He was recently commissioned by the church for altarpiece painting in Notre Dame Chapel in Leicester Square, London. 


For this latest exhibition, titled Byzantine Journeys, the artist is presenting several pieces that are inextricably linked to the world of textile, depicting the rich fabrics of Chinese silk printing, influenced by the intricate patterns of the Nabis School. His shapes and patterns take on a life of their own, lending a lyrical harmony to the composition, and his elongated figures and symbolic details form a Baroque collage of ancient myths and legends.


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