Christabel Dodman-Lear , Era Journal , January 23, 2015

Richard Whadcock at The Northcote

Last month I attended the opening for Richard Whadcock’s solo exhibition at the Northcote Gallery, Chelsea. The space is almost entirely dedicated to Whadcock’s recent work and is open until next weekend. Whadcock is an artist based in Brighton who travels around the British Isles to find inspiration for his large-scale land and seascape oil paintings. This exhibition features a collection of his paintings from his residence in Cill Rialiag, Ireland and reveals Whadcock’s fascination with coastline.


What first strikes me about Whadcock’s paintings is how they are wholly contemporary, yet at the same time recall the Romantic landscapes of JMW Turner and Caspar David Friedrich. Whadcock’s work manages to appear both abstract and photographic and these seemingly conflicting qualities allow for an elegant and ethereal interpretation of the British landscape.


Whadcock works on both large scale (up to 100x130cm) and smaller scale canvases. In both he is equally successful in capturing a strong sense of movement and light. However, it is when we view the larger canvases that we have the most immersive experience. Whadcock’s paintings draw you in with their depth and light, and recreate the feeling of walking along an Irish coastline or Dorset field.

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