Alessia Cortese, Objects Magazine Italy, March 5, 2021

The stone sculptures of José Manuel Castro López

Skilled sculptor of Spanish origin, José Manuel Castro López manipulates stone in fluid forms with an organic appearance, creating the illusion of a softness and malleability that defies the observer's perception.

López grew up in Galicia, a land of fairy tales, myths and witchcraft, of the cult of natural elements and of the belief that behind all the things of our Mother Earth, even the stones, there is a spirit; and it is precisely from this mystical vision of nature that the artist draws the creative nourishment for his plastic works.

My relationship with stone is not only physical, but also magical. The stone recognizes me, obeys me. My stones are not lifeless. They manifest themselves

José Manuel Castro López

The sculptor engraves by hand and shapes blocks of quartz and granite as if they were soft wax, turns them into supple structures, smoothes the surfaces to give them the waving softness and the sweetness of the folds of a fabric, respecting and enhancing the qualities to the maximum. same of the material used, the brightness, the roughness, the chromatic veins.

José Manuel Castro López was born in 1959 in Vilasuso, a village near La Coruña in north-western Spain. From 1980 to 1985 he studied Sculpture at the “Escola de Canteiros” University.

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