Artsy Editors, Artsy, May 11, 2015

30 Emerging Artists to Watch During Frieze Week

Let the skip through New York in pursuit of art commence—be it hopping a water taxi to Randall’s Island, taking the subway to Red Hook, or getting lost looking for the entrance of Basketball City. In anticipation of Frieze Week New York, we sifted through thousands of artworks to determine the list of 30 emerging artists to keep your eye out for, across the week’s four main fairs. There’s Frieze New York, the U.S. edition of London’s long-loved October event, held in a white big-top tent on Randall’s Island; Collective, the design fair gathering top-notch works from the last century to today in Skylight Clarkson Sq; NADA, the beloved nonprofit-run alternative fair holding court at Basketball City; and finally, 1:54, the contemporary African Art fair, staging a pop-up at Pioneer Works in Brooklyn. 

The artists below, born primarily since 1980, hail from cities from Vienna to Johannesburg, Kano to Toledo, and work with subject matter from emoji to sexuality. Five standouts from the list—Jesse Greenberg, Thaddeus Wolfe, ruby onyinyechi amanze, Aki Sasamoto, and Sara Cwynar—have been profiled at greater length.

Mimi Jung

b. 1981, Seoul, South Korea. Lives and works in Los Angeles, California
Available at: Sight Unseen OFFSITE, entryroom


When she’s working on her own—as opposed to with her husband for their L.A. furniture studio Brook&Lyn—Mimi Jung creates sumptuous-yet-minimal, woven-natural-fiber wall-hangings that are just begging to be touched. Her works at Collective are more sculptural and design-based, yet equally tactile: four blue-green curvilinear steel-framed pieces that can fit together or sit independently.


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